Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 6-The 7 day challenge to detoxing your home.

Challenge # 6- Children's room

The AAAI - Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology states that "since some airborne substances may trigger allergy or asthma symptoms, reducing contact with these substances early in life may delay or prevent allergy or asthma symptoms.  Research for this is clearest with dust mites.”
Cleaning your baby or childs room is very important.  I’ve already discussed using a HEPA filter vacuum, natural floor cleaners and natural wood polishes.  Here are more tips for keeping your Childs room dust and chemical free.

*Some items like teddy bears may not survive the washing machine so place stuffed animals in a bag and put them in the deep freeze for 3-5 hours, the cold kills germs and dust mites.

*Encase box springs and mattress in a zippered dust-proof or allergen-proof cover.  (Organic if possible)

*Sheets, blankets, and other bedclothes should be washed frequently in water that is at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit (lower temperatures will not kill dust mites).

*Wash toys in non toxic dish detergent or multipurpose solution.

You can make your own wash by mixing vinegar half and half with water and wiping toys down.

My favorite store bought product by far is Nature clean all purpose cleaning lotion.  It can be used for everything from household cleaning, laundry detergent, hand dishwashing and even cleaning Fruits & Vegetables.  You know it's safe when you can wash your food with it!!  This product is free from Phosphates, Sodium Lauryl, Ether Sulphate, Petroleum ingredients, Formaldehyde Preservatives, Chlorine, Ammonia, Dyes and Perfumes.  It is rated safe for infant clothing and not tested on animals.

See my post on Flame retardants in infants pajamas.

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