Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 2-The 7 day challenge to detoxing your home.

Challenge # 2-The Kitchen

If you enjoy swirling dirty water around your floor with a nasty bacteria containing mop, have fun!  Every time you mop, out comes the bucket to fill up and a mop to wring and wring again let alone changing the water and carrying the bucket up stairs and down stairs and from room to room without spilling it.  When the mop water gets dirty, the cleaner loses its power to kill bacteria. 

A great solution would be to use a washable microfiber mop and a cleaning solution that doesn’t have to be mixed with water.  Not only does microfiber lift and scoop dirt particles into the material but microfiber mops can be washed so you are starting out with a fresh clean mop every time. 

For a homemade solution for your wood floors, go to the pantry and mix ½ cup of white vinegar and 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. This natural solution will make your wood floors shine like new. The vinegar acts to remove stains, kill bacteria and the oil helps to maintain the luster of the wood.

To clean a linoleum or tile floor, mix one tablespoon of liquid soap (I like Dr. Bronners soap), a quarter cup of baking soda to two gallons of hot water.  Add ¼ cup of white vinegar to the mix.

My favorite store bought products for mopping floors is the Method wood floor cleaner.  It's non-toxic and biodegradable, made with simple ingredients including baking soda and purified water plus the bottle is recycled plastic.

Method floor cleaner is a no-wax, non-toxic, biodegradable number that works as well as it smells, leaving your wood floor looking better than it has in ages.


Cathy Lewis said...

I have used this Method floor cleaner,and I love it,it even says on bottle that you can eat right off your floor after mopping,so how great is that for kiddies that are crawling around.

Anonymous said...

Where do you buy this and The hand soap? I can never find stuff like that around anywhere.

Ecoblogical said...

Not sure where you are located. They sell the method laundry detergent at Loblaws(Dominion) and Canadian Tire. The Dr. Bronners soap is in the natural/organic section at Dominion. Some smaller stores don't offer as big of a selection though. Hope this helps:)

St. John's Mom said...

You can also get method products at Shoppers. We also like to steam clean :-)
Nice to meet you via my blog... in browsing yours, it occurred to me you might like this one from NB s well:

Ecoblogical said...

Thank you for your comments St. Johns mom. I used to buy my method products at shoppers but I have been informed that they will no longer be selling the products after their current stock is gone. They may continue to sell the laundry detergent but Dominion sells it for cheaper. I will check out that site now, hope to hear from you again soon.